Ms. Maruska, Secretaria | Secretary | [email protected]
Sandro Doblins, Director of Religious Education
Pe. Leonel , RCIA Program
Today, Father Leonel Medeiros is the appointed Episcopal Vicar for Brazilian Catholics in the diocese. He is directly responsible for the sacramental life and ministry of the Brazilian-American Catholic Community Our Lady Aparecida Quasi-Parish in Danbury, CT, and oversees the priests and laity ministering to the needs of the Brazilian Catholic Community in Bridgeport, CT. Since he also administers Our Lady of Aparecida Catholic Community Center, under this responsibility he be also the Community Center Director.
Priscilla Gomes, Director of Sons of Mary
Gabriela Pereira, Director of Totus Tuus Choir
Elizania Jacob, Director of Charismatic Music Ministry(GOVES)
Jefferson Da Silva, Director of English Choir 11am Mass
Osvaldo Junior, Director of the Saturday 5pm Mass
Jamir Costa & Gabriela Pereira & Nayara Silva